Call for Panels Deadline
September 15, 2024
The panel proposal form is closed
Requirements for panel proposal
- Panel proposals should be in adherence to the conference theme.
- Panels should have two co-convenors (panel organisers) from different institutions.
- At least one of the convenors should attend face-to-face.
- At least one of the convenors must have a PhD degree.
- Each participant is permitted to convene once, present a paper once, be a discussant once, be a chair once. (N.B. Roundtable participants are considered discussants.) Hence a convenor may opt to present in their own panel or someone else’s (or not at all).
- AEGIS CRG panels should be submitted by respective network convenors. The network name must be appended to the title of the proposed panel [in square brackets].
- Panel submissions from colleagues from Africa or from the African and Afropean diaspora are specifically encouraged.
- All attendants, including panel convenors, paper presenters, discussants, chairs, and listeners are required to register and pay to attend in advance. Payment is mandatory only after acceptance of your proposal.
- All submission must be in English.
The process
- All proposals must be made via this online form
- Please include the panel title, a short description (max. 300 characters) and an abstract (max. 250 words).
- If already known, please add your chair and discussants.
- An automatically generated confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address of all convenors. If you do not receive it within an hour, first please check your spam folder and then contact us at e-mail address
- If changes need to be made to your submitted panel proposal, please contact us at the e-mail address above at any time before the deadline. Please do not submit the panel proposal more than once.